China's Blueprint for Electronic Information Manufacturing: A Dive into Strategy and Growth

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China's Blueprint for Electronic Information Manufacturing: A Dive into Strategy and Growth3

China, often called the "dragon" in electronic information manufacturing, is aiming high. With strong plan in pocket, country is looking to stabilize and push growth of this big industry. But, isn't it said, "Where there's will, there's way?" This move, by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Finance, shows China's strong will.

Growth Strategy:
For future, China's goals are big. By start of 2024, country hopes for average value-added growth of around 5 percent in areas like computer and communication. And that's not all, big players in this area hope to make more than 24 trillion yuan (around $3.34 trillion).

Demand and Innovation:
To go up, plan says to push demand for old electronic goods. But, as they say, "Old is gold, but new is diamond." With fast tech changes, plan also looks for new growth with tech and product changes.

China's Blueprint for Electronic Information Manufacturing: A Dive into Strategy and Growth5

Export and Trade:
In world market, China plans to change its export plan for electronic things. Goal? To increase share of high-value-added products in exports. Also, to make foreign trade strong, Chinese companies are told to show their things in international shows.

Industry Status:
China, known for electronic equipment, has good name. And to add to this, country said 9.4 percent growth in investment in electronic information manufacturing in first half of 2023.

China's Blueprint for Electronic Information Manufacturing: A Dive into Strategy and Growth


What China wants for electronic information manufacturing?
Country wants to push steady growth, with target of 5 percent growth between 2023 and 2024.

How China plans to push demand?
Plan is to push demand for old electronic goods and at same time find new growth with tech and product changes.

What China's export goals for electronic things?
China plans to change its export plan, with focus on high-value-added products, and tells companies to go to international shows.

How industry did in past?
In first half of 2023, China saw 9.4 percent growth in investment in electronic information manufacturing.


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